A Guide to Avoiding Renovation Scams in Singapore

September 18, 2023

Renovating your home is an exciting endeavor for any homeowner in Singapore. However, amidst the excitement, there exists a less pleasant reality: the prevalence of renovation scams that can turn your dreams into financial nightmares. Singapore's renovation industry has seen its fair share of scams, leaving homeowners not only with subpar work but also with depleted bank accounts and a sense of betrayal. In this article, we'll equip you with 10 essential tips to navigate the renovation landscape safely and avoid falling victim to scams.

Renovation scams can take various forms, from shoddy workmanship to disappearing contractors and even outright theft. The consequences of such scams go beyond financial loss, often resulting in delayed timelines, emotional stress, and the hassle of rectifying the damage left behind. As such, it's imperative to arm yourself with knowledge and strategies to identify red flags and make informed decisions when hiring contractors for your renovation project. Without further ado, here are 10 tips from us to help you avoid getting scammed during your renovation!

Research and Due Diligence

Credit: RenoTalk

The foundation of a scam-free renovation journey begins with diligent research. Before engaging with any contractors or renovation companies, it's essential to invest time in understanding their backgrounds, track records, and credibility. The digital age has made this process easier than ever, with numerous online resources available at your fingertips.

Start by exploring the company's website and social media profiles. Reputable contractors often showcase their portfolios, completed projects, and client testimonials. Pay attention to the quality of their work, attention to detail, and the range of services they offer. A lack of online presence or a poorly maintained website could be a warning sign.

Ask Around for ID Recommendations

One of the most reliable ways to identify trustworthy renovation professionals is by seeking recommendations from individuals you trust. Personal referrals provide a level of assurance that online reviews or advertisements may not offer. When someone you know and respect vouches for a contractor, it adds a layer of credibility that can ease your concerns.

Reach out to friends, family members, coworkers, and neighbours who have recently undergone renovation projects. Inquire about their experiences, the quality of work, and their overall satisfaction with the contractor's services. This firsthand information can offer valuable insights into a contractor's reliability, professionalism, and ability to deliver on promises.

When requesting recommendations, don’t just ask about the end result. Inquire about various aspects of the contractor's services, including their professionalism, communication skills, adherence to timelines, and the overall quality of their work. Ask about the renovation scope, the challenges faced, and how effectively the contractor addressed any issues that arose.

Examine the Company’s Reputation

In the digital age, a company's reputation is easily accessible and can be a reliable indicator of their trustworthiness. Before finalising any agreement with a renovation contractor, it's crucial to assess their reputation in the industry and among their clients.

Online review platforms and forums dedicated to home improvement play a pivotal role in gauging a company's reputation. Visit websites such as Google Reviews, Yelp, and Houzz to read about the experiences of previous clients. Look for patterns in the reviews—consistently positive feedback can be a reassuring sign, while numerous unresolved complaints should raise concerns. Pay attention to the specific aspects highlighted in the reviews, such as the quality of work, communication, adherence to deadlines, and the handling of unexpected challenges. Be cautious of overly generic reviews or those that seem too positive to be genuine.

Social media platforms can also provide insights into a company's reputation. Check if the company has an active presence on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Engaging content, interaction with followers, and showcases of completed projects can indicate a company's commitment to transparency and client engagement.

Furthermore, don't hesitate to ask the contractor for references from their previous clients. Reputable contractors will readily provide references as a testament to their reliability and professionalism. Reach out to these references to discuss their experiences, and inquire about any issues they encountered and how the contractor resolved them.

Insist on a Detailed Portfolio

Requesting a comprehensive portfolio from the renovation contractor can provide you with valuable insights into their past work and capabilities. A legitimate contractor should be proud to showcase their previous projects as a testament to their skill and professionalism.

Ask for a portfolio that includes a variety of projects similar to yours in terms of scale and style. This will give you a better understanding of their expertise and whether they are a good fit for your renovation needs. Take the time to examine the quality of their work, attention to detail, and overall aesthetics.

A detailed portfolio can also help you gather ideas and inspiration for your own project. If the contractor has successfully executed similar designs or concepts, it's a positive indicator that they can bring your vision to life.

Additionally, consider reaching out to previous clients featured in the portfolio. Their firsthand experiences can provide insights into the contractor's communication, project management, and adherence to timelines. Ask about any challenges faced during the project and how effectively the contractor addressed them.

By insisting on a detailed portfolio, you ensure that you're making an informed decision based on evidence of the contractor's capabilities. Reputable contractors will willingly share their portfolio and encourage you to explore their past work as part of the decision-making process.

Get Multiple Quotes

Even if you’re set on one interior designer or contractor, obtaining multiple quotes from different contractors can help you avoid renovation scams and make informed financial decisions during your renovation journey. Do not jump at the first appealing offer as taking the time to gather several quotes can help you gauge the market price for your project and identify potential discrepancies.

Start by outlining your renovation project in detail and providing the same information to each contractor you approach. This ensures that the quotes you receive are based on consistent information, allowing for accurate comparisons. When reviewing quotes, be cautious of those that are significantly lower or higher than the average market rate. An unusually low quote might indicate hidden costs or the use of subpar materials, while an excessively high quote could be an attempt to overcharge you.

Scrutinize each quote to understand the breakdown of costs. Reputable contractors should provide a transparent breakdown that outlines labor, materials, permits, and any additional expenses. If a quote lacks transparency or includes vague line items, request clarification before proceeding.

Keep in mind that the cheapest option isn't always the best one. While budget considerations are important, quality workmanship and the use of durable materials are equally vital to the long-term success of your renovation project. It's advisable to strike a balance between affordability and value to ensure that you're getting the best possible outcome.

In conclusion, obtaining multiple quotes empowers you to make an informed decision about the financial aspect of your renovation project. By comparing quotes, scrutinizing the breakdown of costs, and avoiding excessively low or high offers, you can make a choice that aligns with your budget and ensures a successful renovation journey without the risk of getting scammed.

Visit Completed Projects

An effective way to assess the quality of a renovation contractor's work is by visiting completed projects in person. This step provides you with tangible evidence of their craftsmanship and attention to detail, allowing you to make an informed decision based on firsthand experience.

When discussing your potential project with the contractor, ask if you can visit one or more of their recently completed projects. Reputable contractors who take pride in their work should be more than willing to arrange such visits.

During your visit, pay close attention to various aspects of the completed project:


Examine the quality of the finishes, joinery, and overall craftsmanship. Look for signs of attention to detail and precision.


Evaluate the quality of the materials used in the project. High-quality materials contribute to the longevity and durability of the renovation.


Assess how well the completed space functions. Consider aspects like layout, storage solutions, and ease of use.


Evaluate the aesthetics of the project in terms of design, colour schemes, and overall visual appeal.

Attention to Client Preferences

Consider whether the completed project aligns with the client's initial vision and preferences.

Engage with the homeowner if possible, and ask about their experience working with the contractor. Inquire about the contractor's communication, adherence to timelines, and ability to handle challenges that arose during the project.

By visiting completed projects, you can make an informed decision based on tangible evidence rather than relying solely on online reviews or recommendations. This step empowers you to assess the contractor's work firsthand and gain a realistic understanding of what to expect from them.

Avoid Full Upfront Payments

One of the most common tactics used by scammers is to request upfront full payments before commencing work. This practice not only puts your finances at risk but also leaves you vulnerable to contractors who might disappear after receiving the payment. To protect yourself from such situations, it's essential to establish a payment structure that safeguards your interests.

Legitimate contractors understand that a fair payment schedule is built on a series of milestones or stages of completion. Instead of paying the entire renovation cost upfront, negotiate a payment plan that aligns with the progress of the project. This can be divided into an initial deposit, payments at specific project milestones, and a final payment upon satisfactory completion.

For instance, your payment schedule could involve an initial deposit to secure the contract, followed by payments after the completion of major phases of the project. These phases might include tasks such as demolition, electrical and plumbing work, and the final finishing touches. This approach ensures that you're only paying for work that has been completed and meets your standards.

When negotiating the payment schedule, communicate your expectations clearly with the contractor. Make sure that the payment structure is documented in the contract to avoid any misunderstandings later on. Legitimate contractors will be willing to work with you to establish a fair and transparent payment arrangement.

Written Agreements and Contracts

Credit: Home Addict

One of the most effective ways to safeguard your renovation project against scams is by having a written agreement or contract in place. A formal contract outlines the terms, scope, timeline, and costs of the renovation, providing legal protection for both you and the contractor.

A legitimate and professional contractor will willingly draft and sign a contract that clearly defines the responsibilities of both parties. The contract should cover various aspects, including the scope of work, materials to be used, project timeline, payment schedule, and any warranties or guarantees offered by the contractor.

As a homeowner, it's essential to thoroughly review the contract before signing it. If there are any clauses or terms that you don't understand, seek legal advice to ensure that your interests are protected. Avoid contractors who resist providing a formal contract, as this could be a sign that they're not operating transparently.

When reviewing the contract, pay close attention to any ambiguous or vague language. The contract should be detailed and specific to avoid potential disputes down the line. If the contract lacks specific information or contains unclear terms, request clarification and revisions before proceeding.

Additionally, ensure that the contract includes provisions for addressing unforeseen circumstances or changes to the project scope. This prevents potential conflicts and provides a roadmap for handling unexpected challenges.

Be Wary of Lowball Offers

While affordability is an important consideration during a renovation, it's essential to approach overly attractive, low-cost offers with caution. Scammers often lure unsuspecting homeowners with prices that seem too good to be true, and unfortunately, they usually are.

A lowball offer might indicate several potential issues:

Subpar Material

Contractors offering significantly lower prices might be using inferior materials to cut costs. This can result in poor quality work that requires frequent repairs or replacements.

Hidden Costs

Some scammers intentionally omit certain costs from their initial quote, only to add them later as the project progresses. This tactic can lead to budget overruns and frustration.

Inadequate Workmanship

Contractors offering rock-bottom prices might not be investing the necessary time and effort into the project. This can result in rushed and shoddy work.

Lack of Licensing

Unscrupulous individuals might offer low prices because they lack the necessary licenses and insurance. This can leave you liable for any accidents or damages that occur during the project.

Remember that quality work comes at a reasonable price, and a legitimate contractor will provide a transparent and fair quote that reflects the true costs of the project. Prioritize value and quality over low prices to avoid potential scams and ensure a successful renovation.

Use Escrow Payment

Credit: Investopedia

An effective strategy to protect yourself from renovation scams is to utilize an escrow payment system. Escrow is a financial arrangement where a neutral third party holds and manages the funds for a transaction until certain conditions are met, ensuring a secure and transparent transaction process.

When using escrow payment for your renovation project, the funds you allocate for the project are held by the escrow service until specific project milestones are achieved. These milestones should be clearly defined in the contract and agreed upon by both you and the contractor. Only when a milestone is successfully completed and verified will the escrowed funds be released to the contractor.

To implement an escrow payment system, consider partnering with reputable escrow service providers that specialise in construction and renovation projects. Ensure that the terms of the escrow arrangement are clearly outlined in the contract, including the specific milestones that trigger fund releases.

Use HomePay and Never Get Scammed During Your Renovation

Embarking on a renovation project is an exciting journey that can significantly enhance your living space and quality of life. However, the path to achieving your dream home can be fraught with challenges, including the risk of falling victim to renovation scams. By arming yourself with knowledge, awareness, and effective strategies, you can navigate the renovation landscape with confidence and safeguard your investment.

Throughout this article, we've explored 10 essential tips that empower you to avoid getting scammed during your renovation in Singapore. From conducting thorough research and due diligence to insisting on written agreements and visiting completed projects, each strategy contributes to a scam-free and successful renovation experience.

As we’ve just shared, using an escrow payment system like HomePay is a proactive step in protecting yourself from renovation scams. By leveraging the secure and transparent nature of escrow, you can ensure that your funds are safeguarded and that the interior designer or contractor is held accountable for meeting project milestones. This approach provides an additional layer of security and peace of mind during your renovation journey.

HomePay offers you a seamless and secure financial arrangement that deters scammers and ensures reliability. Your dream home awaits—make it a reality with HomePay.